FIVE: Guardians of David is an expansive Diablo-style action-RPG set in the ancient lands of Canaan.


I worked as a System and Technical Designer on FIVE, primarily designing combat-related systems, enemy AI and player and enemy combat abilities. In addition, I also worked on level scripting and quest design.

Some of my responsibilities included:

  • Designing and implementing player and enemy abilities using our ability creation kit and visual scripting system.
  • Designing character combat progression and ability trees.
  • Designing and implementing enemies types. This included enemy AI, enemy abilities, enemy stats, and enemy equipment.

I was also responsible for, along with other team members:

  • Quest design, level scripting, and character dialogue
  • Designing stat and item progression for the player characters.
  • Implementing additional functionality and modules for our visual scripting system.
  • Implementing additional actions and functionality for our enemy behavior tree system.

Click here to go to the FIVE Steam page.